Book review: Fundamentals of Linear Algebra and Optimization for CIS515, Some Slides (Jean Gallier)
I have read “Some Slides” from 2012, when the document had 12 chapters and 484 pages, but Prof. Gallier update the notes, the new notes are definitely even better. Either way, the notes cover the fundmentals of linear algebra. The notes introduce the reader to the mathematical notation. Therefore, the notes do not include illustrations of the concept. To cope with the lack of illustrations, I would suggest to follow 3Blue1Brown on Yutube (3Blue1Brown: Linear Alg), who provides superior illustrations and simple-to-understand explanations.
- Very well written text introducing the reader to basic concepts
- Covers the less interesting aspects, which are often omitted in most of the books
- Serves as an intro to Linear Algebra and Optimization with APplications to Machine Learning
- Linear algebra can be nicely visualized, therefore the lack of illustrations accompanying the text is pity
Covers the basic concepts of linear algebra with are fundamental for anyone going into ML.