Universal Experiment Tracker
Robust experiment tracker for algorithms running in loop (e.g. grid search). Prevents data-loss and allows for simple recovery on error. The search loops can be skipped by simply running a check(…) function for the set of parameters.
Supports time tracking by retrieving the last logged value. Provides easy to read console output.
User Functions: ExperimentTracker( path:Union[str, Path], tracker_name:str, clean_start:bool=False, raise_error_on_rewrite:bool=False, kwargs) log(results:dict, **kwargs) check(kwargs) -> bool get_next_log() -> dict def get_last_log() -> dict report()
NOTICE: **kwargs always refer to the independent variables (e.g. X and Y in grid search). They need to be provided with the same name as when passed to the constructor.
"""Universal Experiment Tracker
AUTHOR: Martin Garaj (2023) garaj.martin@gmail.com
import pandas as pd
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Union
from itertools import product
import numpy as np
import datetime
import warnings
class ExperimentTracker():
"""This class is responsible for handling logging of measured data for
experiments running a (grid) search.
The class implements prevention of data-loss and automatic restart from the
last checkpoint (last logged value).
def __init__(self,
path:Union[str, Path],
self._path = Path(path) if isinstance(path, str) else path
self._name = tracker_name
self._fullpath = Path(self._path, self._name)
self._vars = kwargs
self._df = None
self._raise_error = raise_error_on_rewrite
if clean_start:
if self._check_tracker_exists():
def log(self, results:dict, **kwargs):
"""Log new results according to provided 'kwargs' -> indipendent
:param results: Dictionary of new results (single value per key)
:type results: dict
:raises ValueError: If 'kwargs' point to more than 1 entry
index = self._find_row_index(**kwargs)
if isinstance(index, type(None)):
self._append_to_df(results=results, **kwargs)
elif isinstance(index, list):
raise ValueError(f"Provided columns match {len(index)} rows.")
if True == self._df.loc[index, '__processed__']:
if self._raise_error:
raise RuntimeError(f"Raising error to prevent rewriting experiment results for ({str(self._get_row(index))})")
warnings.warn(f"Warning: rewriting existing entry at index={index} ({str(self._get_row(index))})")
self._write_to_df(index, results)
def check(self, **kwargs) -> bool:
"""Returns True if experiment has been logged/processed, else False
:raises ValueError: Provided **kwargs do not sufficiently explain
indipendent variables
:raises ValueError: Internal error when locating 'index'
:return: True->epxeriment was run, False->experiment has not run
:rtype: bool
if len(kwargs.keys()) == 0:
raise RuntimeError(f"check(...) requires a list of parameters={', '.join(self._get_vars_columns())}")
index = self._find_row_index(**kwargs)
if isinstance(index, type(None)):
return False
elif isinstance(index, list):
raise ValueError(f"Provided columns match {len(index)} rows.")
elif isinstance(index, int):
_row = self._get_row(index)
return _row['__processed__']
raise ValueError(f"index has unexpected type={type(index)}.")
def get_next_log(self) -> dict:
"""Return the first log row, where '__processed__' == False
:return: If there is next row, returns dictionary, otherwise empty dict
:rtype: dict
if self._df['__processed__'].all():
return dict()
index = (self._df['__processed__'] == False).idxmax()
return self._get_row(index)
except ValueError:
return dict()
def get_last_log(self) -> dict:
"""Returns the latest log row
:return: If there is latest entry, returns dictionary,
otherwise empty dict
:rtype: dict
index = pd.to_datetime(self._df['__datetime__']).idxmax()
_row = self._get_row(index)
del _row['__datetime__']
del _row['__processed__']
return _row
except ValueError:
return dict()
def report(self):
print(f"========== EXPERIMENT TRACKER REPORT ==========")
print(f"> name : {self._name}")
print(f"> path : {self._fullpath.resolve()}")
print(f"> records : {sum(self._df['__processed__'])}/{len(self._df.index)}")
print(f"> variables : {', '.join(self._get_vars_columns())}")
print(f"> results : {', '.join(self._get_result_columns())}")
_datetime = self._get_last_log().get('__datetime__', 'N/A')
current_dt = datetime.datetime.now()
time_delta = current_dt - _datetime
days = time_delta.days
seconds = time_delta.seconds
hours, remainder = divmod(seconds, 3600)
minutes, seconds = divmod(remainder, 60)
formatted_time_delta = f"{days}d {hours:02}h {minutes:02}m {seconds:02}s"
print(f"> last log : {_datetime} ({formatted_time_delta} ago)")
_last_vars = [f"'{key}':{val}" for key, val in self.get_last_log().items()]
print(f"> {' , '.join(_last_vars)}")
def _check_tracker_exists(self) -> bool:
"""Check if previous file exists.
:raises ValueError: Path doesn't exist
:return: True if path exists, otherwise False
:rtype: bool
if not self._path.exists():
raise ValueError(f"path={str(self._path)} doesn't exist")
if self._fullpath.exists():
return True
return False
def _create_new_tracker(self):
"""Create new tracker file.
The dataframe incldues all '**kwargs' passed to __init__ as columns,
extended by internal variables '__processed__' and '__datetime__'.
# filter out empty lists but remember all keys for columns
non_empty_args = {k: v for k, v in self._vars.items() if v}
all_keys = list(self._vars.keys())
all_keys = ['__processed__', '__datetime__'] + all_keys
# compute the Cartesian product of the non-empty variables
cartesian_product = list(product(*non_empty_args.values()))
if len(cartesian_product[0])==0:
df = pd.DataFrame(columns=all_keys)
# convert the product to a DataFrame
df = pd.DataFrame(cartesian_product, columns=non_empty_args.keys())
# reorder the columns to match the original order and add empty columns if necessary
for key in all_keys:
if key not in df.columns and len(df.index) > 0:
df[key] = np.nan
df['__processed__'] = False
self._df = df[all_keys]
def _save_tracker(self):
"""Save the tracker file.
self._df.to_csv(path_or_buf=self._fullpath, index=False)
def _load_tracker(self):
"""Load the tracker file.
self._df = pd.read_csv(filepath_or_buffer=self._fullpath)
def _find_row_index(self, **kwargs) -> Union[int, list, type(None)]:
"""Finds mathcing row index according to provided values of
indipendent variables.
:return: index value (int if unique, list if multiple matches, None if no match)
:rtype: Union[int, list, type(None)]
# convert the kwargs into a query string
query_str = ' and '.join([f"{k} == '{v}'" if isinstance(v, str) else f"{k} == {v}" for k, v in kwargs.items()])
# use the query function to filter rows
matching_rows = self._df.query(query_str)
# return the indices
indices = matching_rows.index.tolist()
if not indices:
return None
elif len(indices) == 1:
return indices[0]
return indices
def _append_to_df(self, results:dict, **kwargs):
"""Append new results.
:param results: Dictionary of results (single value per key)
:type results: dict
new_data = {**kwargs, **results, **{'__datetime__':self._get_datetime(), '__processed__':True}}
df_new = pd.DataFrame([new_data])
self._df = pd.concat([self._df, df_new], ignore_index=True)
def _write_to_df(self, index:int, results:dict):
"""Write new value to internal df
:param index: row index whereh the new data are written
:type index: int
:param results: Dictionary of results to be stored at the row.
:type results: dict
for column, value in results.items():
if column not in self._df.columns:
self._df[column] = None
self._df.loc[index, column] = value
self._df.loc[index, '__datetime__'] = self._get_datetime()
self._df.loc[index, '__processed__'] = True
def _get_datetime(self):
"""Get current date-time
:return: datetime
:rtype: datetime.datetime
return datetime.datetime.now()
def _get_row(self, index) -> dict:
"""Get row with all columns
:param index: Index of a row
:type index: int
:return: Dictionary of a row at index
:rtype: dict
columns = list(self._df.columns)
row_dict = self._df.loc[index, columns].to_dict()
return row_dict
def _get_vars_columns(self):
"""Get all columns associated with indipendent variables
:return: List of columns associated with variables
:rtype: list
vars_columns = list(self._vars.keys())
return vars_columns
def _get_result_columns(self) -> list:
"""Get all columns associated with results
:return: List of columns associated with results
:rtype: list
result_columns = []
vars_columns = self._get_vars_columns()
for column in self._df.columns:
if column not in vars_columns and column not in ['__processed__', '__datetime__']:
return result_columns
def _get_last_log(self) -> dict:
"""Returns the latest log row
:return: If there is latest entry, returns dictionary,
otherwise empty dict
:rtype: dict
index = pd.to_datetime(self._df['__datetime__']).idxmax()
return self._get_row(index)
except ValueError:
return dict()
## END ##
if '__main__' == __name__:
import time
print('================================= RUNNING TEST =================================')
# counter
counter = 0
# prepare experiment tracker
var_A = [1,2,3]
var_B = ['short', 'long', 'brief']
# prepare tracker
tracker = ExperimentTracker(path='./', tracker_name='experimnet_1',
print('================ INTERNAL DF ================')
print('=================== LOOP 1 ==================')
for a in var_A:
for b in var_B:
counter += 1
tracker.log(results={'r_1':a*2+0.5, 'r_2':f"{a}{b}"}, var_A=a, var_B=b)
if counter > 5:
if counter > 5:
print('================ INTERNAL DF ================')
print('=================== LOOP 2 ==================')
for a in var_A:
for b in var_B:
print(f"{a}-{str(b).ljust(8)} = {tracker.check(var_A=a, var_B=b)}")
if tracker.check(var_A=a, var_B=b):
print(f" ALREADY LOGGED (SKIPPING) {a}-{str(b).ljust(8)}")
tracker.log(results={'r_1':a*2+0.5, 'r_2':f"{a}{b}"}, var_A=a, var_B=b)
print(f" LOGGING NEW EXPERIMENT {a}-{str(b).ljust(8)}")
print('================ INTERNAL DF ================')
print('================ RAISE ERROR ================')
tracker.log(results={'r_1':a*2+0.5, 'r_2':f"{a}{b}"}, var_A=a, var_B=b)